Monetizing CO2 is the next big thing

As GHG information becomes increasingly monetized, it will attract the same attention as other key performance indicators of businesses

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the next big thing

For investors

Ca. 50.000 companies with more than 250 employees must comply with the CSRD regulation in Europe

About 25% of them are located in our core markets Germany, Austria and Hungary

These companies must measure, report and reduce their corporate carbon emissions in various areas

We focus on employee commuting (scope 3), which makes up 7 to 12% of corporate carbon emissions

A "Spare CO2 to earn" market is emerging with apps such as Ciclogreen, Kiri, Ummadum, Rydeup or Lynes

Regenerative finance is also developing in the crypto world, with projects such as Toucan, Celo, Algorand or Younergy

We have a B2B business model: we target companies; their employees are our users

We provide companies with a green mobility benefits programme which they can use for PR, HR and compliance purposes

We are implementing our system with our first customers and users in our core markets

We are currently backed by Urban Tech, a Horizon 2020 EU project, and our first investor, Tenity

We are a team of 2 sales and 1 tech co founders with complementary skills who have been working together since 2021

With your support, we will acquire more customers, develop our system and create more visibility

For whom

Choose the greencent for

HR manager
Acquire and retain employees with a green mobility benefits programme
HR manager
PR manager
Boost your internal and external communication with green employee mobility
PR manager
Compliance manager
Comply with EU CSRD while attracting and retaining employees
Compliance manager

You want to know more

and talk about your possible involvement in our venture? Contact us.